Better Information:

Meaningful Analytics, Clustering Technology, Strategy Development

  • Convert raw data into actionable results
  • Market Scope Analysis reveals opportunities and savings scenarios’
  • Proprietary Cluster Analysis Tool
  • Powerful data analytics
  • Cluster Opportunity Power Ranking
  • Strategic Sourcing Reports

The value of data is in the actionable results. Lodging Logistics employs expert analytics and innovative technology to methodically analyze all available data from your hotel spend. We consolidate the results into a Market Scope analysis that indicates opportunities and savings scenarios. Then we go a step further with our proprietary cluster analysis tools to reveal the strongest negotiation opportunities within competitive clusters. Finally we pull everything together into an expert Solicitation Strategy, with a recommended solicitation list, target rates, and negotiation objectives.

Meaningful Analytics

Lodging Logistics’ analytics experts will break down your hotel spend data using a suite of powerful analytics and algorithms to generate a complete 360-degree look at your hotel travel footprint. Depending on the type of data provided, there is potential to break down the company travel patterns even further to better understand the time of year your company is traveling, as well as the days of the week. This data can be very useful to provide to hotels when negotiating with their property.

Proprietary Clustering Technology

We have created exclusive technology that examines the hotels distributed throughout a market and organize them into distinct clusters. We identify the hotels that are actually competing with each other for your individual travelers, based on you facility locations, local geography, and historical data. A cluster profile based on competitive sets of hotels and cluster preferences gives us the power to generate specific Cluster Opportunity Power Rankings, indicating the real leveraging opportunities that exist. We then provide a solicitation strategy that includes target rates for each cluster and service level, with strategies to negotiate armed with real, actionable data.

Strategy Development

Clustering your hotel data, creating target rates, and analyzing your hotel travel footprint will allow us to design a strategic method for creating a solicitation list based on your company’s travel needs and savings potential. Our Strategic Sourcing Report will be provided; including our recommended properties to solicit, savings potential based on those properties, and our strategy for our negotiation efforts.

Click here for more information on Strategic Sourcing